Consistently take action on your most important work.
End the day feeling satisfied with everything you got done.

Say goodbye to end‑of‑day frustration.

Dayglow is an effectiveness app that channels your attention so you accomplish your most important tasks every day.

Dayglow appears on top of all your other windows

Master Your Attention

Each time you sit down at your computer, Dayglow will be ready to channel you into your most important task.

No more sitting blankly trying to figure out what to work on. No more drifting to YouTube or Instagram.

Now you have a companion that gives you the power to master your attention.

Use focus sessions to cruise through task after task.

Focus With Sessions

Other pomodoro timers are easily forgotten so it's hard to build a flow.

Dayglow will naturally channel you into focus sessions so you'll hit a groove more consistently than ever.

Each session is tied to one of your tasks, so you'll know exactly what you're focused on and have a clear sense of how your day is tracking.

At the end of each session, you'll rate how it went so you stay aware of your energy level throughout the day.

Stay focused! Dayglow will block distractions while in a session.

Block Distractions, Stay in the Groove

There's nothing wrong with social media or YouTube but if you're trying to focus, it's easy to gravitate there without realizing.

You can tell Dayglow to block sessions while you're working so you stay focused on what matters.

Of course, you can easily control exactly which sites you want to block and which you don't.

Get Early Access

We're currently testing with early access users. Signup below and we'll be in touch when spots open up.


Use Dayglow for free until it's a core part of your workflow.

Dayglow Light

Free (forever)

Use Dayglow for free as long as you like! You'll get 100 credits/month for tasks and sessions.
  • Tasks
  • Focus Sessions
  • Day Planning (Coming Soon)

Dayglow Pro

$99 /yr

Dayglow helps you work every day, so it's a no-brainer.
  • Unlimited Tasks
  • Unlimited Focus Sessions
  • Beta Access: Notes (Coming Soon)
  • 24-hour Support Response
  • Access to Road Map and Feature Suggestions

Frequently Asked Questions

No one has really asked, but here's some info that's more interesting in the form of a question.

Why do you call Dayglow an "effectiveness" app?

Dayglow isn't just about doing more busy work.

It's about consistently doing your most important work which transforms you into a fundamentally more effective person.

It's about getting in the groove, enjoying your work and feeling great (dare I say, glowing) at the end of the day.

Will Dayglow interrupt me? Doesn't it get annoying?

We designed Dayglow to avoid interrupting you while you're actively working, on a meeting, watching a full screen video and in other similar situations.

We're always improving our algorithm based on testing and user feedback. You can send feedback with ⌘+F in the app to report that Dayglow is annoying you.

That being said, sometimes it is annoying when you're enjoying a distraction and Dayglow nudges you back to work... but, ultimately, that's a good thing!

Will you stop having a free plan?

Dayglow is very different than other apps so it's important to me that anyone can use it as long as it takes for them to get it.

I get pumped thinking about the thousands of people who aren't power users but will be able to use it to consistently complete a few key tasks every day.

Hopefully they'll share it with friends :)

Isn't $99/yr a lot for a todo list?

Ultimately, if Dayglow clicks for you, that means it's driving forward your most important work every day and giving you peace of mind every night.

If that's not worth it, I don't know what is.

There's a lot more coming for Dayglow and paying customers are what make it possible.

I like the todo app I already use, should I stop using it?

Dayglow isn't meant to replace the apps you use to capture and manage all your tasks and projects.

It's focused on helping you flow through your most important daily tasks.

Personally, I use Notion, Todoist and a Rhodia notebook, in addition to Dayglow

Who made this?

Hey there, thanks for asking! I'm Nicky Hajal. I've been obsessed with making things since the age of 4 when my grandma bought me my first toolbox.

I started programming when I was 11 just for fun and haven't stopped since.

What do I need to run Dayglow?

Any Mac from the past 10 years or so that is relatively updated should work!

Is Dayglow available for Windows?

At the moment, no. If you're a Windows user interested in Dayglow, please let us know here.

Get Early Access

We're currently testing with early access users. Signup below and we'll be in touch when spots open up.

Hey! Nicky here - I made Dayglow.

I believe that the work we do every day can and should be enjoyable and satisfying.

But, in a world where technology is engineered to distract us, that's getting harder and harder.

It's so easy to start the day motivated, get sucked into something that pulls you out of deep work and then end the day feeling frustrated.

You lay in bed feeling discouraged, stuck, unproductive and maybe even dreading your work.

But the work was never really the problem at all. How easy it is to get sucked out of flow is the problem.

That's how I was often feeling a few months ago. I knew I loved my work and my projects, so why wasn't I getting more done and ending the day happy?

The truth was, I just needed a little help channeling my attention at the right moments. I needed a little technology working for me instead of against me.

I had the idea for an app that would do just that and got to work. As soon as I had a basic proof of concept working, I knew I was onto something.

With just a simple overlay capturing my attention and channeling me into planning my day and working on my most important tasks, I was suddenly able to build momentum through the day and get a ton of real, meaningful work done.

Day after day, I would finish up feeling satisfied and, well, glowing!

I knew I had to keep going and share this tool with more people, and that's how Dayglow was born.

I'm excited you're here and I hope it helps you as it did me.

But hey, if not, let me know! This is just the beginning and there's a lot more coming.

With flow,

© Dayglow 2024